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Logical vs Physical Data Model: A Comprehensive Guide

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Logical data models and physical data models are two fundamentally different approaches to structured data modeling. One is an abstract representation of data that emphasizes structure and relationships without regard for physical implementation, while the other is a tangible representation that describes how data will be stored, accessed, and retrieved. These differing approaches to architecting databases are essential for the effective design, organization, and maintenance of expansive enterprise data estates.

In this comprehensive guide, I’ll explore logical and physical data models—their distinctions and commonalities, as well as respective use cases and best practices for implementation.


Though unstructured data is increasingly a part of enterprise data use, structured data is still an essential part of modern relational database management systems (RDBMS) and is finding new life in machine learning optimization and business intelligence applications.

As its name implies, structured data requires proper design; to this end, two fundamental approaches to structured data modeling have become fixtures in the enterprise database world: logical data models and physical data models.

  • Logical data model. These high-level, abstract representation of data emphasizes structure and relationships without focusing on physical implementation details. They serve as blueprints for understanding data organization and how different data entities relate to each other. For this reason, they are integral to the early stages of database design, as they provide a clear picture of data requirements and business rules.
  • Physical data model. These detailed, tangible representations of data describe how it will be stored, accessed, and retrieved within a database system. They describe specific details regarding tables, columns, indexes, and storage mechanisms, and are used in the later stages of database development to guide the implementation and optimization of the database’s structure.

How Do Logical and Physical Data Models Work?

Fundamentally, a data model provides a structured representation of data that defines the relationships, attributes, and constraints within a database or information system. Data models help to ensure data accuracy, consistency, and integrity while facilitating efficient data retrieval and manipulation. However, logical and physical data models differ in terms of what type of details they capture—and to what level.

How Logical Data Models Work

Logical data models are designed to provide a high-level abstraction of data, focusing on the essential elements that represent business concepts and rules. They typically employ entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs) and class diagrams to illustrate data entities and their relationships.

A logical data model.
A logical data model. Source:

Key Logical Data Model Characteristics

  • Abstraction. Logical data models abstract away physical details, emphasizing data entities, attributes, and their relationships.
  • Platform independence. Logical data models are independent of the specific DBMS or storage technology.
  • Entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs). ERDs are a common tool for representing logical data structures, using entities to represent real-world objects and relationships to represent their interactions.
  • Normalization. Logical data models focus on data normalization to eliminate data redundancy and improve data integrity.
  • Data integrity. Logical data models involve defining business rules, constraints, and validation rules for maintaining data integrity.

How Physical Data Models Work

Physical data models hone in on the details of the underlying data structures, providing a detailed representation of the database schema, including tables, columns, data types, indexes, and storage details. Physical data modeling is closely tied to the database management system (DBMS) and storage technology that will ultimately serve/host the data.

An example of in-product physical data modeling.
An example of in-product physical data modeling. Source:

Key Physical Data Model Characteristics:

  • Specificity. Physical data models are highly specific, detailing the database schema’s structure and components.
  • DBMS integration. Physical data models are closely integrated with the chosen DBMS and storage technology and include implementation-specific design details.
  • Table definitions. Physical data modeling includes the table structure definitions—column names, data types, constraints, and relationships.
  • Indexes and keys. Physical data models specify indexes, primary keys, and foreign keys to optimize data access and enforce referential integrity.
  • Storage considerations. Physical data models address storage considerations, such as filegroups, tablespaces, and partitioning strategies.

Read Data Management Types and Challenges to learn more about how organizations keep on top of the massive amounts of data they accumulate and store.

Logical and Physical Data Models: 10 Main Differences

Data professionals may sometimes confuse physical data modeling and logical data modeling due to their interconnected nature and the varying levels of detail each approach entails.

Logical data modeling focuses on the high-level representation of data, emphasizing the essential entities, relationships, and business rules. In contrast, physical data modeling delves into the intricate details of database implementation, considering specific data types, storage optimization, and performance enhancements.

The confusion often arises because both models aim to depict data but serve different purposes in the data modeling process. Data professionals must navigate the transition between these two modeling phases, which can be challenging, as it involves translating a conceptual representation into a concrete database structure. Additionally, the terminology and tools used in these modeling stages can sometimes overlap or be used interchangeably, contributing to the potential for confusion.

The 10 key distinctions between logical and physical data models I detail below can help in delineating their unique advantages and applications.

Abstraction vs. Specificity

Logical data models provide an abstract representation of data, emphasizing business concepts and relationships, while physical data models offer a highly specific, detailed representation of the database structure.

Independence vs. DBMS Integration

Logical data models are independent of the DBMS, while physical data models are closely integrated with a specific DBMS and storage technology.

Entity-Relationship Diagrams vs. Table Definitions

As mentioned previously, an ERD in data modeling is a visual representation that illustrates the essential entities, attributes, and the relationships between them in a given database. ERDs use specific symbols and iconography (e.g., rectangles for entities, ovals for attributes, lines with diamonds for relationships) to provide a clear and concise view of the data model.

A closeup of an E/R diagram.
A closeup of an E/R diagram. Source:

Logical data models use ERDs to represent data entities and relationships, while physical data models define the actual tables, columns, and constraints in the DBMS.

Data Normalization vs. Denormalization

Normalization in data modeling is the process of organizing and structuring a relational database to reduce data redundancy and improve data integrity; in this process, large database tables are broken down into smaller related tables, with relationships established between them using keys.

The primary goal of normalization is to eliminate data duplication and anomalies (e.g., update anomalies, insert anomalies, delete anomalies) that can lead to data storage and retrieval inconsistencies and inefficiencies.

Logical data models focus on data normalization to reduce redundancy and improve data integrity. In contrast, physical data models may involve denormalization for performance optimization.

An example of unnormalized data showing the same employee (denoted by Employee ID) with two different addresses.
An example of unnormalized data showing the same employee (denoted by Employee ID) with two different addresses. Source:

Business Rules vs. Implementation Details

Logical data models define business rules, constraints, and validation rules, while physical data models address implementation details like indexing and storage optimization.

Technology-Agnostic vs. Technology-Specific

Logical data models are technology-agnostic, making them transferable across different DBMS platforms. In contrast, physical data models are technology-specific and tailored to a particular DBMS.

Physical data modeling for Oracle databases.
Physical data modeling for Oracle databases. Source:

High-Level vs. Detailed

Logical data models provide a high-level view of the data structure, making them suitable for gaining a conceptual understanding of the data/application. Physical data models offer a detailed view for implementation and optimization.

User-Oriented vs. Developer-Oriented

Logical data models are user-oriented, helping stakeholders understand data requirements. In contrast, physical data models are developer-oriented, guiding the actual database implementation.

Data Entity Focus vs. Table and Column Focus

Logical data models emphasize data entities, attributes, and relationships, while physical data models focus on table and column definitions.

Early-Stage vs. Late-Stage

Logical data models are primarily used in the early stages of database design, helping to shape data requirements. Physical data models are employed in the later stages of database implementation, guiding the actual deployment and operational details of the DBMS.

10 Main Similarities between Logical and Physical Data Models

Physical data modeling and logical data modeling, despite their distinct purposes, share several key similarities. Both models involve the representation and organization of data, emphasizing the importance of data relationships and constraints—in this sense, together they provide early and late-stage sanity checks for data quality, integrity, and consistency by defining and codifying the database structure at various points in database development.

The 10 main similarities I detail below show the areas where logical and physical data models share commonalities.

Data Representation

Both models represent data in a structured and organized manner, facilitating understanding and ease of management.

Relationship Modeling

Logical and physical data models both depict relationships between data, illustrating how different data entities are connected and interact.

Integrity Constraints

Both logical and physical data models define integrity constraints for maintaining data accuracy and consistency. Integrity constraints in data modeling are rules that define and enforce the accuracy and consistency of data within a database.

These constraints may include the following integrity checks, to name a few:

  • Entity integrity validation—ensuring unique and non-null primary key values.
  • Referential integrity checks—for maintaining relationships between tables.
  • Domain integrity definitions—defining permissible data values.
  • Constraint checks—imposing and verifying conditions for data entry or updates.

Integrity constraints prevent data anomalies and errors by validating that data adheres to specific rules and business requirements, ultimately ensuring data reliability and quality.

Data Quality

Logical and physical data models contribute to data quality by addressing data organization and validation rules.

Stakeholder Communication

Both models serve as communication tools, helping stakeholders and development teams understand data requirements and design.

Changes and Updates

Changes to data structures can be initially reflected in the logical data model and later incorporated into the physical data model.

Iterative Process

The design and refinement of both models are often iterative processes that are adaptable to changing business needs.


Both models result in the production of documentation artifacts that are instrumental for future database design and development, improvements, and ongoing system maintenance.

Schema Evolution

In data modeling, a schema is a logical blueprint or structure that defines the organization, structure, and relationships of data within a database. Schemas specify the layout of tables, attributes or columns within those tables, primary and foreign keys that establish relationships between tables, and the constraints that maintain data integrity. As a critical reference for database design and management, schemas provide a framework for data storage, retrieval, and manipulation, defining both the data’s structure of the data and its continuous organization and maintenance mechanisms.


While the primary focus of each model’s optimization tactics may differ, both models contribute to database performance and efficiency through proper data modeling tactics and methodologies.

When to Use Logical and Physical Data Models

Proper database design and management requires both logical and physical data modeling; however, data professionals should understand when to use one over the other, as each model has its own ideal use cases and scenarios.

Use Cases for Logical Data Models

Logical data models are better-suited to the following applications:

  • Requirement analysis. Logical data models are invaluable during the requirement analysis phase, helping stakeholders clarify their data needs and business rules.
  • Conceptual design. Logical data models are ideal for creating a high-level conceptual design of the database, illustrating data entities and their relationships.
  • Business rule definition. Logical data models are instrumental in defining and documenting business rules and data constraints.
  • Communication. Logical data models serve as effective communication tools between business analysts, data modelers, and stakeholders, ensuring a common understanding of data requirements.
  • System planning. Logical data models can help in guiding system planning and initial architectural decisions.

Use Cases for Physical Data Models

Physical data models are better-suited to the following applications:

  • Database implementation. A physical data model guides the actual database implementation and is crucial for translating high-level designs into specific database structures.
  • Performance optimization. Physical data models are useful when fine-tuning database performance through indexing, denormalization, and storage optimization strategies.
  • Query tuning. Physical data models play a crucial role in query optimization, ensuring efficient data storage and retrieval.
  • Storage management. Physical data models assist in effective storage management and guide decisions regarding filegroups, tablespaces, and partitioning.
  • Database maintenance. Physical data models serve as a reference for ongoing database maintenance, aiding in updates and modifications.

Bottom Line

In short, logical and physical data models play distinct but interconnected roles in the database design and management lifecycle. Both are essential tools for the data practitioner; however, each respective model’s usage should be carefully considered for the particular stage of database development.

While logical data models provide a holistic view, physical data models bring precision and efficiency to the table. The key to successful database design lies in knowing when and how to leverage these two critical tools to meet your organization’s data needs.

Read Hierarchical vs. Relational Data Models to learn more about other ways of structuring data.

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